
Feb 192 min

Absent Without Leave & 30% Off

Oh my gosh - hi everybody! I am apologetic that I haven't posted much sooner than this. You know how our best intended plans go right out the window? Yep. That was me.

I am wishing that you are all as well as can be and that you are coping with all that life has brought you ~ preferably the positive stuff. It's been a strange, confronting year for me which is partly why I haven't been very creative or sociable. I am moving through it though, with consistent loving support and my own actions. Slowly but surely... Gee I have missed being creative. I really think that when we stop being our natural, creative selves, we lose our essence.

I have only made a couple of things over the many months of being AWOL and recently, I made a pair of lounge type pants for myself, which makes me laugh really because I'm obviously in need of more 'not-going-out' clothes! One of the beauties of growing older is that you have no need to explain to anybody that you are not interested in going out and being sociable. In contradiction though, I occasionally do succumb to a bit of pressure. (But can't wait to get home again)! Ha.

So, what is the state of my studio and plans? Last August, I thought I was moving, so I packed up my packed studio spaces and then it did not happen, so I have been overwhelmed by the amount of supplies and collectibles that I have brought upon myself over many years. Most of it is still packed in boxes. Although I donated heaps to the op shops etc., I am still left with an uncomfortable amount of stuff that I have been too attached to. NOW is the time to release a good deal of it. It can take over your energy and become burdensome. How can things have so much hold on a person? It's pretty ridiculous when you put it like that. I no longer go shopping as I need nothing, as far as material things go. Time to make way for new energy and new opportunities. It's such a lovely feeling when you drop a heap of stuff off to the charity shop, (op' shop).

I'm looking forward to fresh creative spaces in my home and the joy of creating more often, again. I am sure many of you will relate well to this. I have made a coupon code which brings 30% off any order off any items in the shop, so please do take full advantage and have a look around to see if anything catches your eye. Multiple purchases can clock up a higher postal price, which I cannot change but I always refund the overpaid postage, as soon as I've sent them off, to get the price right. The coupon code is AWOL and the offer is timed for one month. Any issues, please let me know and I will fix it for you.

Thank you for 'listening' and I will be back again soon. I still owe you a couple of blog people stories too!

Love Debra x
